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Why Christians need to be receptive

 What is Receptivity?  Receptivity is the way Our Blessed Mother received the word from Archangel Gabriel announcing the Lord’s birth, Her acceptance with her simple yes , and Her model of obedience to God’s will so that others may be able to receive the fruits of the Holy Spirit that overshadowed Her.  We need to accept the Lord's invitation to know Him on a deeper level. Simply put, receptivity is the ability to receive and allow the Holy Spirit to work within us so the love of God may be shared with others. This giving and receiving of the Holy Spirit is the sustenance of the Church, the lifeblood stemming from charity. Mama Mary’s simple yes changed the world! How do we become more receptive? How do we receive God so that we may share God with the rest of the world? We need to accept the Lord’s invitation to know Him on a deeper level. The temptation exists to just put God aside for an hour on Sundays but to truly know what God is saying to us, we need to dedicate t...

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